at_the_wellIn Biblical times, a woman’s chore was to get the day’s water from the local well. The well was a gathering place for women to share their lives — their joys, their family challenges, pain, encouragement, and their faith. Joyfully Living is hosting a time to get to know today’s women who are gather At The Well.

I love mornings, coffee, and quiet time with the Lord.

I love God’s Word, defending His Truth, and sharing my faith.

My favorite colors are green and purple.

We have 3 children; a daughter 21 and married, a daughter 18 in college, and a 13 year old son. The oldest daughter lives too far away and I miss her.

We have been homeschooling for 12 years.

I have a brother who married a wonderful woman who is my friend and Sister-in Christ.

Our home is old and cold in the winter but has a charming wrap around porch and a big backyard.

A great book and a cup of tea on a rainy day is Perfection!

I am politically and theologically conservative. Watch too much FOX news and listen to too much talk radio. In weak moments I worry about the future of our country and our family.

Fall and Winter are my favorite seasons. It doesn’t get much better than watching a storm come across a lake, hearing the thunder, and watching the wind.

Falling asleep to Loons echoing, water lapping the shore, and raindrops on the roof is soothing.

It is a privilege to be home with our children, to care for our home, be the family’s middle manager.

I treasure the wisdom of Godly women in seasons ahead of me and desire to be a Titus 2 woman.

I share my opinion too much and wish I would be a better listener.

Our middle daughter owns a horse and we spend many summer weekends at Horse Trials. I love the smell of leather, fly spray, yes — even manure. Cleaning stalls is one of my favorite mindless, escapes.

I try to protect my schedule from outside activities and strive to put my family first. I don’t always succeed. My favorite ministry is taking a meal to someone in need and writing encouraging notes — almost anything that does not involve a committee.

I long to create Order ~~ Peace ~~ Simplicity in my life and in our home.
I want to be content and live for an audience of One.

I only need a few very dear friends and family.

I love my life and my journey.